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Why Upholstery Cleaning Should Be on Your Home Upkeep Checklist

March 25, 2022

things like upholstery cleaning. Creating a home upkeep checklist all of things that need be done, is a good way to stay on track. Consider splitting things into daily, weekly, monthly, and bi-monthly groups of tasks. And when you do, remember to keep Upholstery Cleaning in the list.

Upholstery easily collects dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and other allergens. Regular upholstery cleaning can help reduce the total amount of allergens in your home. Bacteria can also take hold in the cracks and crevices of your furnishing. This bacteria will leave your furniture smelling bad. But it can also set off a chain of continuous illness for those living in your home. Regular cleaning will make sure that the bacteria are killed and your family is not at risk. Furnishing can become grimy and dirty. You may notice that the colors look faded and your furnishings no longer look like they did when you first purchased them. Regular upholstery cleaning can keep your fabrics and furnishings looking like new.

Keep Calm and Prepare Your Carpets For The Holidays

March 20, 2022

It can be a mad rush at this time of the year getting ready for the Holidays, but keep calm and prepare your carpets for the onslaught of foot traffic and the inevitable carpet spills that come with the joy of seeing family and friends during these festive days!

Needless to say, you want your carpets looking their best when you have guests and family over for the holidays. You may be thinking you can clean your carpets on your own, but with the hustle and bustle of getting everything else ready, this may be more than you can really manage. Keep calm, we can help. A thorough vacuuming of every room in the house is in order, but to get a thorough cleaning that will also afford a level of protection during the holiday season, seek the help from a professional carpet cleaner. Restoring the health and beauty of your carpet will give you the look you want for the holidays and help the carpet stand up to the new foot traffic as well as its other often unknown job of filtering the air.

With professional carpet cleaning, your carpets will get a shampooing to remove the deep down dirt buried in the carpet fibers. This will strip away any stains, bad odors, dullness, nasty microorganisms and leave it the warmth and softness you want for the holidays. Once the carpet dries, the carpet can be treated with a protectant that will help keep your carpets looking clean.

Schedule regular cleaning before it is too late

March 15, 2022

Healthy families. Clean homes. Fresh living spaces. That’s what we’re about. Cute little girl yoga exercisingIt’s 10 minutes before your company arrives. You’ve got the casserole in the oven, the house picked up, the kids in clean clothes, and all is set. You step back to admire your victory. One last glance around the home with fresh eyes. Then it hits you like a lead pipe. Your carpet is filthy. How could you not notice it before?

You see your carpet every day. The slow wear and tear subtly goes unnoticed by those who see it constantly. However to those you wish to impress it is an instant eye sore. All those worn traffic areas, dirt spots, stains, and dark areas are invisible to the daily onlooker. However to anybody looking on it for the first time it simply looks like a filthy, dirty, unkempt mess. You deserve better. You DO take care of your home. The solution is to not wait until you see it with fresh eyes 10 minutes before guests arrive. The solution is to schedule regular carpet refreshing from your friends at Ayu House Cleaning.

We suggest cleaning your carpets at least twice a year. Upholstery and tile should also be inspected and cleaned semi-annually. If you have pets then you may want to consider our 90 day refresh program.
We appreciate you, and your guests will appreciate your clean home. No more in-laws making rude comments. You’re home is immaculate, fresh, and good as new!

Congratulations! We’re glad we could help.

With many years of combined experience, we can confidently tackle any type of Cleaning service. We are Fully Licensed and Insured.

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With Ayu house cleaning you receive a 100% Bond back guarantee with our end of Lease cleaning service. Ayu House Cleaning is a team of professional cleaner. We trained our team on regular basis to meet the cleaning needs of people. At Ayu House Cleaning we are committed to deliver the best cleaning services. We knew what is take to maintain a healthier lifestyle, and therefor, staying in a clean house and atmosphere is essential. 

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